Preschool - Children have the opportunity to learn to socialize with peers, to get used to a school routine and to begin letter recognition and name writing.
Prekindergarten - Children learn letter identification, math skills, name writing, appropriate social interactions, and following a class routine.
Kindergarten - Children learn how to sound out words, read simple texts, and are introduced to all of the subjects offered in the elementary grades as they go to school every day for the first time.
First Grade - Children learn to read, explore curriculum through field trips to local sites, participate in hands-on activities, and go to school for a full day in order to learn topics in each of the curriculum areas.
Second/Third Grades - Children still love to participate in hands- on activities that enhance learning, take on more challenging topics, and continue to grow in all areas of the curriculum.
Fourth/Fifth Grades - Children are ready for more in-depth study, complete computer-based projects, and look forward to a multi-day field trip in the spring to a location that fits with units of study during the year.
All Ages - Each class participates in at least two musical performances each year, one at Christmas and the other in the spring.
The core curriculum will include instruction in Reading/Literature, Writing, Phonics/Grammar, Spelling, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Health, Physical Education, Basis Spanish, Art, Music, and Christian Education, taught in a traditional classroom format and from a Christian perspective. The curriculum is consistent with, or higher than, the standards prescribed by the state of Oregon. Current textbooks and related materials are utilized as the content of the curriculum. Choice of textbooks is made by the Board of Christian Education, based on teacher recommendations and assessment of needs. Our religion curriculum is based on the Voyages series from Concordia Publishing House. Daily classroom prayer and devotions are also part of our Christian training. A copy of the curriculum goals for each grade level is available to parents.