Mrs. Tripp

Here is a typical Kindergarten day:

Reading: We learn letter names and sounds, begin to sound out words, read aloud children's literature, learn songs, rhymes, and chants, read text with common word patterns, syllables, and rhyming.

Writing: We begin the year by drawing and picture and labeling it. We progress to writing phrases using words that we are learning in class and end the year by writing a complete sentence that goes with the picture.

Math: We learn about patterns, sorting, graphing, counting to one hundred three different ways, writing numbers to 30, the calendar, telling time to the hour, and equations.

Science/Social Studies/Health: Throughout the year we cover such topics as the five senses, plant life cycles, space, the human body, personal safety, animal life cycles and groupings, holidays, U.S. symbols, presidents, pilgrims, and citizenship.

Music: We sing many songs, practice steady beats and simple rhythms. We also study orchestral instruments and play rhythm instruments. We learn quarter note and quarter rest notations.

Physical Education: Weather permitting we are outside for gross motor activities such as relays, ball control, and group games. We spend part of our winter learning folk dances.

Religious Studies: Each week we study a story from the Bible. We also learn a memory verse to recite each Friday. We follow the church year calendar.

Reading activities take place every day. Math, religious studies, and writing are four days of the week. Social Studies, Science, or Health are studied three days, while music, physical education, and chapel happen once a week.